Revision nose job (rhinoplasty) provides a solution for patients who have had previous nose surgeries but did not achieve their desired results. After a thorough examination, the surgeon addresses the patient’s concerns using either open or closed techniques. This procedure is typically performed at least one year after the initial surgery. The full effects of the revision rhinoplasty can be observed six months following the operation.

What is a revision nose job?

Secondary rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a revision nose job, is a surgical procedure performed after a previous nose surgery to address aesthetic or functional issues that were either not resolved or developed post-surgery.

When a secondary rhinoplasty needed?

The need for secondary rhinoplasty can generally be categorized into two main types. The first category involves deformities caused by significant errors, often attributed to inexperienced or non-plastic surgeons. Such deformities can manifest as excessive lowering of the nasal dorsum, loss of nasal support from excessive removal of septal cartilage, nasal drooping, insufficient nasal tip height, split or slanted nasal bones, abnormal angles between the nose and forehead or nose and lip, or an overly upturned nose.

To correct these deformities, revision rhinoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, missing cartilage is replaced by harvesting cartilage from inside the nose, the ear, or the ribs, and the nose is reshaped.

The second category includes cases where the initial nose job may require minor surgical adjustments, addressing issues like slight irregularities in the nasal dorsum or asymmetry in the nasal tip or nostrils.

Before undergoing revision nose surgery, it’s essential for patients to disclose all medications they are taking to their physician. It’s also crucial to stop smoking at least two weeks prior to the surgery. Additionally, any drugs, herbal teas, or foods that may have blood-thinning effects should be avoided during this period. Patients using birth control pills should cease taking them before the operation. If a patient develops an illness, such as a cold or flu, they must inform their physician before the surgery.

How is revision rhinoplasty surgery performed?

The plastic surgeon determines the approach for the revision nose job after examining the patient. The choice between the open or closed surgical technique will depend on the specific condition of the patient.

If the open technique is deemed necessary, the surgeon will initiate preparations for the surgery. The procedure begins with an incision at the base of the nose that separates the nostrils. Through this incision, the skin is lifted to access the bone and cartilage. The surgeon then performs the required corrections to address the deformities. One of the main advantages of open secondary rhinoplasty is that it gives the surgeon complete control over the nose’s structure. This visibility allows for more precise interventions on the bones, cartilages, and skin.

In some cases involving the open technique, it may be necessary to harvest cartilage from other areas of the body, such as the ear or ribs. If required, synthetic materials can also be utilized in place of cartilage during the surgery.

If the closed technique is chosen after evaluation, the procedure is performed without disrupting the structures at the tip of the nose. This approach involves an incision made inside the nose, enabling the patient to quickly return to their daily activities.

The duration of the procedures varies: closed technique surgeries generally take between 30 minutes to 1 hour, while open technique surgeries can last from 3 to 4 hours.

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What are the considerations after revision rhinoplasty?

Following revision rhinoplasty, the patient may either be observed for a day or discharged on the same day, depending on their condition. Patients who wear glasses should refrain from using them for a duration specified by the doctor, opting for frames that do not touch their lenses or nose.

An essential consideration for patients who have undergone secondary rhinoplasty is to avoid activities that could harm the nose during the first 2 to 3 weeks. Protecting the nose from damage is critical for the recovery process. Those who enjoy sports may begin with light activities after 3 weeks and can gradually return to more intense exercise at the end of Week 6.

Dryness in the nose may occur post-surgery, which is a normal condition. This can typically be managed with sprays recommended by the physician. Patients should keep their heads slightly elevated above heart level while resting, as advised by the doctor.

For 3 to 6 weeks after surgery, the surgery site should be protected from sun exposure. If the recovery is progressing well, patients may return to their daily routines after one week.

Frequently asked questions about revision nose job surgery

Is secondary revision surgery risky or difficult?

Patients often wonder about the risks associated with revision nose job surgery. The most crucial factor affecting the operation’s safety is the expertise of the plastic surgeon. An experienced surgeon typically achieves a high success rate with minimal risks.

The difficulty of the surgery largely depends on the patient’s condition, including any cosmetic issues and the presence of scar tissue from the initial procedure. These factors influence the complexity of the revision rhinoplasty.

Another challenge can arise if the initial surgery involved significant intervention with the cartilage tissue, leaving insufficient cartilage for reshaping. In such cases, cartilage may need to be harvested from other areas, which can extend the duration of the operation. Patients should closely adhere to their physician’s recommendations to minimize potential risks.

When is a secondary nose job performed?

For a secondary nose job surgery to be viable, at least one year must pass after the first procedure. This allows the nose to assume its natural form and reveal its true appearance after surgery. Performing revision surgery before the one-year mark can decrease the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Can the nose be reshaped in revision nose job surgery?

In revision nose job surgery, adjustments are made solely to address the reshaping from the initial surgery. Thus, the importance of the first surgery cannot be overstated.

Revision rhinoplasty prices

“Revision nose job prices,” “secondary rhinoplasty prices,” “secondary rhinoplasty cost in Ankara,” and “revision rhinoplasty cost 2024” are among the most frequently asked questions by patients planning this procedure. Several factors, such as your city, the hospital where the procedure will take place, and local regions, can influence the costs. You can obtain the necessary information regarding revision rhinoplasty fees from your plastic surgeon. For more detailed information, you can reach us at +90 (536) 511 40 51 or via email at